Sunday, September 28, 2008

I no longer run a bar I run a grocery!

a moshul the mezritcher Maggid told dr. gaurdia a Baal Teshuva who was the personal doctor of the king of Prussia when asked regarding how to deal with the thoughts etc. of his old life.

A Jew named Moshe ran a tavern in a small town made a decent living but got sick of how the peasants would get drunk and vulgar they would become and tear the place apart so he decided to change his tavern into a grocery store but the peasants used to spending the nights at Moshke's place would show up banging on the door asking for a drink and he would yell you got the wrong place I no longer run a bar I run a grocery!!! This is what you have to do tell your thoughts I am no longer the man I once was you got the wrong address it just takes some time.

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