Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Meaning of Life – Chayim Plural

 Meaning of Life – Chayim Plural So what is the meaning of life? What is its true definition? In Hebrew life is Chayim. In Hebrew words can be singular or plural interestingly the word Chayim is plural. What is the hidden message? The Rebbe expressed it beautifully: During a farbrengen attended by college professors and University students the Rebbe remarked that the Hebrew word for life, Chayim, which literally means “lives”, is in the plural rather than “life” in the singular. This comes to teach us an important truth. We are not truly alive until we think and care about others. Meaningful life for a human being doesn't exist in isolation but in plurality, shared with others. This reflects the teaching of the great Sage Hillel, legendary for his patience, tolerance and humility. He taught: “If I am only for myself what am I? The Needy and the Needed A once-wealthy chassid who had lost his entire fortune came to see Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. "If G-d has chosen to afflict me with poverty," he wept, "I accept the Divine judgment. But how can I can I accept that I cannot repay my debts? That I am unable to honor the dowry I promised for my daughter's marriage? Why is g-d doing this to me? "Rebbe!" cried the chassid, "I need your blessing!" Rabbi Schneur Zalman sat with his head in his arms in a in deep meditation listening to the chassid's tearful pleas. After a long pause, Rabbi Schneur Zalman lifted his head and said with great feeling: "You only speak of all that you need. But you say nothing of what you are needed for." The Rebbe's words pierced his heart, and he fainted. When the chassid opened his eyes he was a changed man and with a new found joy he devoted himself to a spiritual life. Several weeks later his Rebbe summoned him and, blessed him with success. In time, the chassid regained his wealth, made good on his debts and promises, married off his daughters, and resumed his philanthropy on an even more generous level than before